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Aijaz Ali

Aijaz Ali

Managing Partner
  • LocationKarachi, Pakistan
  • Phone+92 335 3027353
  • Email (direct)aijazarainadv@gmail.com
  • Email (firm)aijazandusman@gmail.com
Aijaz Ali

Aijaz Ali, a partner and co-founder of Aijaz & Usman, boasts a distinguished legal career marked by a commitment to promoting legal awareness and safeguarding individual rights. With offices in Karachi, Pakistan, and Toronto, Canada, Aijaz & Usman operates on a global scale. Aijaz has proven himself as an accomplished defense counsel, having participated in over 50 criminal trials, showcasing robust advocacy skills and successfully navigating complex legal scenarios.

Aijaz’s legal expertise extends beyond criminal defense to the realm of telecommunications, where he serves as counsel for WorldCall Telecom Ltd., a prominent industry player in Pakistan. His role involves providing comprehensive legal support, handling civil lawsuits, regulatory enforcement actions, and criminal proceedings. Collaborating closely with the client’s internal legal team, Aijaz ensures litigation strategies align with the company’s business objectives.

In addition to his criminal and corporate legal work, Aijaz has demonstrated proficiency in family law. Representing clients in dissolution of marriage proceedings and addressing related matters, such as dowry disputes and custody issues, he showcases a nuanced understanding of sensitive family issues. Aijaz’s legal journey began under the mentorship of the renowned legal scholar Abdul Qadir Khan, working alongside his current partner, Usman Farhat, shaping his advocacy skills and contributing to his multifaceted legal expertise.

Aijaz Ali’s unwavering commitment to professionalism, ethical conduct, and comprehensive legal representation positions him as a key asset in the success and reputation of Aijaz & Usman. His ability to seamlessly navigate diverse legal arenas reflects a legal professional dedicated to upholding justice and championing the rights of his clients.

Notable Cases

Jane Doe v. The State

In the case of Jane Doe v. The State, our legal team acted decisively to address a distressing situation where a federal officer was engaging in extortion and threatening to falsely implicate a young woman in a criminal case. Recognizing the urgency of the matter, we promptly filed a writ petition before the High Court of Sindh. Through compelling arguments, we successfully obtained relief for Jane Doe, putting an end to the officer's coercive actions and ensuring the cessation of the extortion attempts. This case underscores our commitment to protecting individuals from abuse of power and our dedication to using legal means to swiftly remedy unjust situations.

Meet Our Attorneys

24/7 Emergency Hotline for
Bails Only

+92 335 302-7353

Our Offices

Toronto, Canada

Farmbrook Rd, Toronto, ON, M1J 2S3, Canada.

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Karachi, Pakistan

House No. 1024, St. 4, Sector E, Akhtar Colony, Karachi.

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